Split canvas prints are the perfect way of making a…
Dead-Simple Ways to Create Awesome Photos on Canvas
Many people make the assumption that in order to make a real impact using photographs in a room design you have to do two things: One, have a far-reaching and complex design plan, possibly re-making the room in its entirety, and two, become a professional photographer or at the very least an extremely accomplished amateur.
Neither is true. You can change the whole look and feel of a room simply by changing out the photos on canvas hanging on the walls, and anyone can take awesome, eye-catching photos. The key is to stop thinking in terms of being a serious artist and start having some fun – because when it comes to the art on your walls, fun is a powerful force. Here are some ideas to have more fun with your photography – and power up your room design while you’re at it.
One mistake people make when it comes to art is allowing themselves to be intimidated into thinking that their subject matter must be very serious and handled with sober, high-minded care. Why not toss those ideas out the window and create some tableaus using toys? If you have children, they likely have a million and one tiny animals, superheros, and other miniatures to use – or perhaps you’re a kid at heart and you still have some collectibles in a box somewhere. Pose them! Create a dramatic scene. Have fun, and snap a lot of photos. If you’re feeling particularly creative, tell a quick story in three or four modest-sized photos on canvas. Perfect for a children’s room, of course, but also guaranteed to brighten any space.
True macro photography is a delicate art that can take some time to learn and become comfortable with – but you can apply the general idea right now, this moment, and create some really amazing art pieces for your walls.
Macro photography basically means extreme close-ups. True macros get extremely close, finding the hidden textures and patterns of nature and the everyday world, but you can find some startling scenes to photograph simply by getting in close. In an office, consider the messy desk – zoom in and capture the texture and patterns created by scattered papers, coins and paperclips, an old coffee mug, a cup of pens. The closer and more abstract, the better. In a child’s room, focus in on a single toy and zoom in as close as you can and get every jelly fingerprint and crack in the plastic.
These shots will be abstract if done right, but this will serve to subtly pull the room together as the patterns and textures get repeated on the walls and on the floors or surfaces without being obvious.
All you need to take powerful, affecting photos is the willingness to try a new approach. Have some fun and think about things you would never choose to take a photo of – then go and take photos of it. And when you’ve hit on the fun, exciting subject for your wall art, click here and we’ll make it happen for you.