If you’re like most people, when you picture yourself on…
Make Your Anniversary an Event with Personalised Canvas Prints
Every married couple treats their anniversary differently, and even treats every individual anniversary differently. Some always throw a huge party and invite friends and family to celebrate with them to make the most of precious memories; some like to keep it simple and intimate.
Whether you’re celebrating your first anniversary or your fiftieth, personalised canvas prints can be an amazing way to celebrate your union and your love for each other. All it takes is a little creativity – and a lot of photos!
The First Anniversary: Custom Canvas Prints
Not every couple in the world follows the old-school guidelines on traditional anniversary gifts, but there’s no real reason not to. Traditional gifts are just a fun way of making each gift unique, and the challenge of finding something appropriate mirrors the relationship challenges you’ll face together every day.
The traditional gift for a First Anniversary is paper. Paper gifts can be some of the easiest and most affordable to come up with – mirroring how the first year of marriage is often the easiest as the honeymoon glow remains, and yet the most impoverished as you’re both just starting out in careers. Just because it’s easy doesn’t mean you can’t Go Big! And nothing shows your commitment to the marriage better than canvas photo prints that detail your courtship and wedding ceremony – whether it was a huge traditional event or just the two of you on a beach somewhere. Big, bold, gorgeously cropped and framed canvas prints will remind you both of that time, just a few months before, when you changed each other’s lives – and it’s a 100% traditional gift compliant idea!
Photo Canvas Printing for The Second Through Hundredth Anniversary
Just because the traditional wedding anniversary gifts aren’t paper-based anymore doesn’t mean you can’t make the event a special one using high-quality photo canvas prints. Whether it’s Year Two or Year One-Hundred, here are some ways that custom canvas prints can make your celebration even more special.
- The Journey: Every year together is another chapter in your journey together. The journey often takes you in unexpected directions – the best laid plans of mice and men and all that. Each year, pick one photo that represents your latest twelve-month instalment of your story, and have it made into a gorgeous print. On Anniversary Day, hang all of your canvas prints out in order, from oldest to newest, to make the most of precious memories. Over time this gallery will become a powerful testament to your shared lives, and become a great tradition your friends and family will look forward to – and something the kids and grandkids can start influencing if you let them chime in on what photo to choose each year!
- The Focus. Your anniversary is your day, of course – but why be like everyone else? You’re throwing a party and you’re inviting the people who have made your life together what it is. Why not celebrate them as well? Instead of festooning the home or hall with photos of yourselves, why not have canvas prints created of your friends and family and celebrate them as well? After all, no marriage is an island. When you fight, your friends and family help you through it. When you celebrate, your friends and family are there to applaud. Just because a marriage involves two people doesn’t mean a marriage is only two people.
Don’t stop now – take these ideas and make your own anniversary magic using the power of canvas photo prints. It’s your special day after all – you can celebrate it, and decorate it, any way you want to.