Photos on canvas have quickly become one of the easiest,…
Cool Ideas for Canvas Photo Prints
Inspiration is a crazy thing. Sometimes it seems to simply flood out of you, pouring into your room designs and other creative endeavours. Sometimes it seizes up and refuses to budge, and you can stare at a blank wall or blank page forever and nothing comes to you. And of course even a powerful tool like canvas photo prints are only as good as the ideas you bring to them.
So, as a service to all the creators out there who might be struggling for that great idea for their walls, we thought we’d suggest a few ‘outside the box’ options for using wall art in your room designs. These are the sort of ideas that seem so obvious when they’re suggested to you that you can’t believe you didn’t think of them first – but that’s a common feature of good ideas, isn’t it?
Canvas Photo Prints: Magazine and Book Covers
You don’t necessarily have to be a literary lion to use this idea, but it certainly helps. While in the modern age magazine covers tend to be photos, and even book covers have strayed from artwork to Photoshop disasters, many classic covers were hand-drawn masterpieces that not only capture an attitude and a colour scheme, but a time-frame reference as well.
For example, look how this old New Yorker cover works in this beach house. The subject matter, the colour scheme, even the lines of the cover art work perfectly in that room. A book cover or magazine cover has the added bonus of telling everyone something about your sensibilities when it comes to art and literature, which then get folded into the design of your room.
Documents and Wall Art
Another interesting idea is to use old and famous documents. Many old legal documents from hundreds of years ago were quite ornate – in an age before Times New Roman and printing, most were hand-lettered using beautiful calligraphy, creating a powerful option for decorating a room.
And while a historic legal document lends a certain power to the walls of your room, old illuminated religious texts can offer pops of colour and amazing beauty as well as beautifully lettered texts. Whether you’re a secularist who wants a copy of the Magna Carta on their walls or a person of faith who prefers a page from an old monastic bible, the artistic power of both can’t be denied. And when they’re blown up to a large scale and printed in high-quality on good canvas stock, they will be powerful moments even if your guests can’t understand the words!
Decorating your walls using canvas photo prints is an opportunity to do something unusual and personal – but that doesn’t mean you have to use personal photos. History has plenty to offer by way of decoration that is beautiful as well as powerful. Choose your piece of it and then click here and we’ll be happy to print your chunk of the past to the highest standards.
Photo Credit: Collector Shop