Our homes are intensely personal. Anyone who has lived in…
Decorating a Teen Girl’s Room with Awesome Canvas Prints
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to decorate a teenage girl’s room using canvas prints. Don’t panic! Teenagedom is a frightening and confusing time period – for the parents. And, yes, for the teen in question as well, but for parents it often seems like the little girl who wouldn’t take off her pink ballerina costume for three months straight has suddenly become a pensive young woman with mysterious friends you’ve never met and the inability to look up from her smartphone – and with decided tastes in art prints. When they time comes to remove the fairies and butterflies that marked her childhood in that room and upgrade to something more relevant, it can be sad – and scary.
Thankfully, a can of paint and some cheap canvas prints can get the job done nicely, and without scowling or complaint from your evolving offspring. All it takes is a little thought and strategy, and you can transform her room into the ideal teenage hangout space in no time.
Teen Girls and Canvas Prints
Your first, second, and third rule is to remember, always, that your little girl isn’t so little any more. Many parents have arrived on Decorating Day armed with art prints of puppies and childhood favourites only to be turned away with a sniff and a muttered ohmygod. So your first lesson is simple: Remember that your teen daughter has definite idea about what she wants.
So, the secret starts with letting her be in charge. One great idea is to suggest she work on a short little photo project where she and her friends take some selfies or other photos, send them to you, and you create a fantastic wall installation of canvas prints of them as black-and-white images. Teenagers value their friends above almost everything else in their lives, and bringing them into their room is a powerful way of both asserting their independence and comforting themselves with friendly faces.
Letting Go
Just as important as choosing the design elements in your teen daughter’s room is not choosing the design elements. Yes, it’s your house and she’s living under your rules – but her room is supposed to be her private retreat. You get to oversee the design from the paint colour to some of the wall art – but be sure to leave some of the room a blank canvas for her to decorate on her own. If you insist on choosing every bit of canvas art in the space, you’re turning her room into a display of your taste and decorating acumen, and she’ll never feel comfortable in it.
Be Flexible
Finally, one of the most important things to remember about a kids’ room is that it’s lived in by a kid. Their taste and sensibility may not match yours, or be very refined – in fact, it may horrify you to see what they choose to use as wall art. As much as you can, go with it. While you’re the final arbiter and have final say, the more you can let them have their own “thing” in there, the happier everyone will be.
Now, don’t be scared – it’s just a teen girl’s room. And when you’ve got the selfies and other images that are perfect for it, click here and we’ll make certain you get a muttered, muted “thank you” in the end.