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Creating a Dreamscape Bedroom with Photos on Canvas
Science tells us constantly how crucial good sleep is to good health. Some people still resist the idea, of course; the prospect of spending one-third of your life in an unconscious state seems like a cruel joke, and many people push themselves to sleep less and live more. Except science, unfortunately, has frequently confirmed that when you sleep less you actually live less – so there’s no winning.
Science has also told us that where and how we sleep is also crucial – our bedrooms need to be dedicated to rest and relaxation. Mixed-use bedrooms result in less sleep and worse sleep, and bedrooms that are filled with distractions and devices also tend to erode our ability to sleep well and wake up refreshed. Since you can’t avoid sleeping, you might as well get the best sleep you possibly can – and that means creating a peaceful, restful space using design tools – and that’s where some photos on canvas combined with cool design ideas come into play.
The Canopy Technique
When creating a restful bedroom, there’s nothing like an old-school canopy bed to achieve that sense of dream-like peace. Check out some of these fantastic examples for inspiration in the canopy bed arena.
You can augment the dreamy feel of a canopy bed by adding some photos on canvas – to your ceiling! When choosing images, consider that you’ll be viewing them through the gauzy material of your canopy, so you’ll be looking for bold, bright images that will push through the material – but also restful, calming images that will guide you to a peaceful power nap or a restorative eight hours.
Leveraging the Past on Photos on Canvas
If you find yourself struggling to sleep well, why not use the power of your own past to help you along? Images of calm, happy times in your past hung on your bedroom walls will subtly and subconsciously put you in mind of those moments – moments when you were stress-free, worry-free, and able to pause and catch your breath.
Seeing these moments before you climb into bed, especially when combined with meditation, yoga, or simply a few moments with a good book, will push your brain into a calm, sleep-ready mode that will make it a lot easier to relax and put your thoughts on hold.
Simple Beauty
If you can’t think of any of your past photos to use, then look for peaceful, calming images from other sources and use those to decorate your bedroom. Applying some dreamy filters – softer focus, diffuse colours – can help achieve that dreamscape feeling you’re looking for. The goal is to turn your bedroom into a sleeping area, where you automatically become relaxed and loose upon entering, so choose images and techniques that simply feel quiet and peaceful to you.
Your bedroom should be a retreat and a place where you recharge and heal – not an office, a playroom, or a dance studio. The decor you put on your walls is therefore key to getting to bed at night. When you’ve got your dreamy choices selected, click here and we’re turn them into sleep-inspiring decorations.