The classics always get repeated; that’s why family portraits are…
Fun and Unusual Ways to Use Photo Canvas Prints with Your Family
Every family generates hundreds, even thousands of photos every year – or even every month. Between the special occasions, school events, and just the everyday capture of special moments, the modern family is leaving behind a personal legacy far greater than any previous generation was capable of.
That doesn’t mean that all of our photo canvas prints have to be treated like museum pieces or historical artefacts, with reverence and seriousness. It’s easy to have some fun with our photos and the affordable and visually stunning canvas printing process – and if photos can’t make our family lives more fun and interesting, what can? Here are a few simple but exciting ideas that will get the whole family in on the act.
Employee of the Month
We’ve all seen ‘employee of the month’ signs in local businesses, where a cheerful photo of the chosen worker is on display. It acts as a small incentive and reward for those who have gone above and beyond in their work duties.
You have kids, those kids have chores, and we all know that this arrangement sometimes works better than others. Why not set up a ‘child of the week’ system, where the child who has discharged their duties – or gone above and beyond them – gets rewarded with not just their photo turned into great photo canvas prints and displayed somewhere, but some other perks as well, like a boost in their pocket money or the choice of what to have for dinner on Sunday night. It’ll perk up the chores and turn them into a fun game for everyone.
Special Occasion Hints with Photo Canvas Prints
You put a lot of effort into planning and executing family holidays, birthday parties, and other special occasions – and keeping secrets can be a real labour. You can whip up excitement for an upcoming event or special occasion and turn the anticipation into a fun game by teasing the plan with a few specially-prepared prints – they can be of the location of your next surprise holiday, or hint at the theme of a family trip, or tease the venue for the big anniversary surprise dinner. The idea is to have fun with it – maybe with a new print every day for a week, giving a new hint!
Interactive Holidays
Sometimes parents enjoy the holidays more than the kids. On those holidays where gifts are often hidden around the house – on Birthdays, Christmas, or Easter, for example – make it into a real event by giving a first gift to kick things off – a gorgeous print of a ‘mystery photo’ that hints at the location of the gifts in some creative way. For example, an Easter Egg or chocolate bunny hidden in the dryer downstairs might be hinted at with a photo of laundry drying in the sun!
Photos are a powerful way to not just record our family’s history and development, but to enjoy ourselves and augment what would otherwise be dull, normal day-to-day events. Why be dull? Using photos and prints, we can make our lives more colourful and more visually exciting. When you’ve got your plans laid for using photos for fun, click here and we’d be delighted to join in.