Tired of getting Dad the same old Father’s Day presents…
How To Pick The Best Photo To Print As A Father’s Day Gift
Father’s Day is just around the corner – 3 September – so it’s time to start sorting through those memories, leaving plenty of time to print a super special gift for Dad.
The great news about giving photo art to Dad is his reaction to seeing the gift – and not just on the day, but every day for years to come.
He’ll be all like “I’m not crying. There’s just something in my eye.”
Your one job as son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter or wife is how to pick the best photo to print as a Father’s Day gift. The rest of the process is easy – we look after the printing and delivery side of things for you without a worry.
Let’s explore the options now.
1. Intimacy Of Bonding
If you’re spoilt for choice and have heaps of photos on your phone and camera, it can be hard to choose which to print – particularly when there’s a new baby involved. However, there is nothing more precious than choosing that one single photo that trumps all other photos. You know the one. It’s the photo you revisit again and again. The one that makes you ‘squeeee!’.
2. Out In Nature
If the Dad in your life is an outdoors guy, it’s highly likely you’ve got the outdoor photo to match. Often the most candid photos end up being the most heart felt. In this photo you can’t even see Dad’s face, but the look on the little girl’s face says it all. This photo exudes love and that’s what Father’s Day is all about – love. Wrap that love in canvas to appreciate all year round.
3. Three Generations
If you’ve got time to get creative, this idea means you can choose up to eight photos and one colourful quote. Get the three generations together for a photo shoot. Sure it can be a professional shoot, but if you’re short on funds or time feel free to have a go yourself. It doesn’t have to be all boys – girls are welcome in the shoot too! To create a personalised quote for the centre of this Traditional collage template, design the quote in Canva, download it to your computer then upload it to our canvas creator.
The wonderful thing about this gift is you can get two printed – one for Dad and Granddad – and your shopping is done!
4. Monochrome Moment #1
Often we’re hesitant to remove colour from a photo as it feels like we’re taking something away. However, the wonderful thing about shooting in monochrome or converting a colour photo to greyscale later is that it actually adds something new. Your eye experiences the moment differently, with a finer focus on the detail and without the distractions of colour.
5. Monochrome Moment #2
The good news is that, if you want to transform a photo from colour to monochrome, you can do that in our CanvasApp online after you’ve uploaded your colour photo. If you like the way it looks in the preview, you can print it. If you don’t, you can add the colour back and instead print it in colour.
6. The Best Of The Fridge
Does Dad insist on hanging every drawing Jack’s brought home from childcare on the fridge? Are you keen for a declutter? This is your answer. Choose a family favourite and print the work of art onto canvas. Alternatively you can ask your son or daughter to choose their favourites and create a collage for Dad from them. The good news is the precious art won’t end up torn and tattered and, if you’re feeling ruthless, you can throw the originals away free of guilt!
If you love this idea, discover more creative Father’s Day gift ideas now.
7. Our New Family
Father’s Day is all about celebrating family so, when it comes to choosing a photo, don’t feel you have to stick with a picture of Dad alone with his kids. Include yourself, Mum! Often it’s the Mums choosing the gift on behalf of the kids. If your child is still a baby (like the cutie-pie pictured below) try to get into their little minds and choose a photo you think they’d like to give their Daddy. The photo is likely to include Mummy! This will no doubt end up being a family favourite once they’re all grown up – not just Dad’s.
8. Fishing With The Boys
Dads are often playing with their kids, but sometimes that play involves a serene or special moment. Flick through your holiday snaps and see if something reveals itself to you. This fishing photo, below, is a gorgeous portrayal of Dad with his two sons. The younger son is learning to fish and the older son is hugging Dad who’s fishing. It’s these everyday moments that are special – and worth remembering.
9. Totally Gangsta
Don’t be shy about printing a silly photo. Sure, you could keep it on your phone where only you can enjoy it. But why? Often these are the moments – those truly happy moments – where Dad is having a ball with his kids. They deserve to be honoured as much as a formal family portrait.
10. Can’t Even Choose
A bit stressed about how to choose a photo? Want something personalised, but have zero graphic design skills? Don’t even worry! This themed collage is perfect for Father’s Day. Simply choose five of your top photos of Dad and his family and create a heartfelt canvas in no time at all.
11. Eskimo Kisses
When choosing a photo (and taking a photo) don’t feel the subjects have to be looking at the camera. Some of the most precious moment aren’t the posed moments. Dads all the world over would make a canvas of a picture like this, below, his most prized possession.
12. One Big Happy Family
By the same token, the traditional family portrait – where everyone is looking at the camera – is still a winner. One new trend professional photographers are embracing is getting families out of the studio and outside. It just makes the whole moment feel more natural and less contrived.