Family Photos

The Family photos category page on the Canvas Factory blog. Click through to find great family photos.

Nail ‛Em: Easy Portrait Photography Tips

Nail ‛Em: Easy Portrait Photography Tips

Whether an aspiring professional or simply an ambitious hobbyist having fun with your camera, every photographer at every level tinkers with portraits. For some it’s a way of capturing the people in their lives, and portrait photography carries an emotional impact that can’t be denied. For others it’s part of…
Choosing the Perfect Photos for Collage

Choosing the Perfect Photos for Collage

One of the most popular techniques for the creation and display of wall art is the photo collage – not the messy scissors-and-glue art project from your days in school, but the sophisticated and finished collection of themed photos that can commemorate your big life events or treasured memories in…
Getting Creative with Family Portrait Canvas Prints

Getting Creative with Family Portrait Canvas Prints

The family portrait, whether of just the happy couple or including their kids and even pets, is an instantly recognisable form and one of the most popular subjects for canvas prints. There’s a certain warmth and fun to even the most formal and rigidly posed family portrait, an energy that…
Shaking Up the Family Portrait Art Gallery

Shaking Up the Family Portrait Art Gallery

The classics always get repeated; that’s why family portraits are such popular subjects for canvas prints and wall art. Your family is beautiful to you, and with just a little effort can be beautiful to anyone simply as objects of art – and even more powerfully if they actually know…