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Super Size Your Memories with Custom Canvas Prints
This is a story about how you can use the power of simple photo canvas prints to not only ‘super size’ your own memories of the major events in your life, but possibly give someone else in your life the gift of making the most of precious memories using photos on canvas. The key take-away (spoiler alert) is that super-sizing memories isn’t difficult or expensive with discount canvas prints and can not only improve your life, but the life of someone else as well.
Martha’s Anniversaries, Birthdays, and Graduations
Martha is an older woman living alone on our block. Her husband had passed a few years before, and her children had all moved away and started their lives. She wasn’t a sad woman – she was proud of her kids and heard from them all the time – but she was lonely, sometimes. We all took it upon ourselves as her neighbours to check in on her and occasionally invite her to have coffee or dinner with us.
Martha’s home was a shrine to her family. It was festooned with framed photos – photos of her own wedding, her wedding anniversaries, her children’s’ birthdays and graduation and wedding photos. Walking through Martha’s house you got a real sense of her family and how great a family they were.
But the photos were small and the frames were dusty, and we knew Martha had some trouble seeing. So all of us on the block hatched an idea. Martha’s birthday was coming up, and we thought we’d improve her life with the judicious use of personalised canvas prints.
The Big Day is Over but Memories Aren’t
Step one was to contact Martha’s daughter and get her to do some detective work the next time she visited. She was thrilled to help and popped in for a surprise visit to her Mum a few days later, and she acquired key examples from Martha’s photo collection, including examples of each child’s wedding, graduation, and other big moments like inspirational prints from vacations Martha had taken. We sorted the photos out and one of our more technically-inclined friends scanned them in at a high resolution, and we all pooled money (it wasn’t that expensive, actually) and sent them off to be turned into canvas photo prints.
When they came back we were stunned: These small, old photos had been transformed into large, gorgeous canvas prints! Martha’s life was right there, writ large, big and vibrant. One photo, of her on her wedding day almost forty years before, laughing, caught all of us by surprise, it was so affecting.
The next step was the most fun. One of us lured Martha away with a lunch invitation and the rest of us, with a key supplied by her daughter, snuck in and hung the photos all over her house. We placed them near the spots where they had been sitting in frames previously, and filled every room of her house.
We created a ‘Wall of Weddings’ where all the wedding photos of her children hung. We created a ‘Wall of Place’ with her vacation photos. We created a wall as a tribute to her husband, whom we’d all known and loved as well.
Martha’s reaction when she came home was very moving. We had a little surprise party arranged for her, and when she saw the photos she cried and there were hugs all around. We all felt pretty smart, of course – but it wouldn’t have been possible without the easy, affordable ability to create these amazing canvas prints online. So the lesson is: Don’t leave your amazing life trapped in tiny frames, collecting dust. Make them big, bold, and out in the open with dazzling canvas prints!