Being a new mum can be tough. And with Mother’s…
Mother’s Day 2015: The Thanks Mum Project
My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. – George Washington
Oh we love to complain about our mothers, step-mothers and mother-in-laws don’t we? It’s become a whole cultural phenomenon really.
And yet, when something goes right, for example, if we win an Oscar, it’s our Mums who are commonly thanked. Actually, when it comes to being thanked at the Oscars, they’re up there with God.
Of course if we don’t win the Oscar, Mum is to blame as well. Poor Mums.
All jokes aside, when we take time to reflect on who our mothers, step-mothers and mother-in-laws are and all the things they’ve done to support us from childhood into adulthood, most of us are inherently grateful. And we want to thank them.
This is why The Canvas Factory is hosting The Thanks Mum Project for Mother’s Day 2015 – to make it as easy as possible for you to find a way to express gratitude to Mum.
At The Canvas Factory, we are blessed to process all the gorgeous photos that come through of Mums of all ages and all stages of life. Mums with their newborns. Mums with their toddlers. Mums with their kids on the first day of school. Mums at their children’s 21st birthday parties, graduation ceremonies, engagements, weddings. Mums as grandparents. It’s a privilege to be part of our customers’ loving lives and transpose these lives into beautiful wall art.
And that’s evidence right there how special Mums are to all of us. We often just need that time to reflect.
Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures of gratitude and kindness that can make all the difference in your life and others. Often, you simply need to remember to take the time to do it, so we’ve provide 10 activities you can carry out in any order and on any day. We reckon a perfect time is in the lead up to Mother’s Day.
Mothers go above and beyond. If your Mum has been there for you and improved your life in a significant way, you will want to find an approach to gratitude that speaks emotionally. She did not go out of her way just to get a reward. She gave selflessly. So when you thank Mum, you must do so with an equal sense of generosity.
Here are 10 ways to show gratitude to your Mum. You can choose to complete one, some or all! If you have anymore you’d like me to share, just comment on the blog below and I’ll consider adding them.
When you’ve completed a gratitude activity, let us know! Either comment on one of our Thanks Mum Facebook posts or give us a shout out on Twitter.
Be sure to use hashtags #thanksmum #mothersday plus @CanvasFactoryOz so we (and others) can follow your gratitude journey. Involve others to get involved in The Thanks Mum Project by also sharing the link to the Project –
While all the gratitude activities are listed here below, I’ll prompt you on social media from now until Mother’s Day, so be sure to LIKE the Canvas Factory Facebook Page.
To join The Thanks Mum Project, type your name in the comments below. Otherwise, just go for it! Too easy.
The Thanks Mum Project
Activity #1: Give Mum A ‘Just Because’ Hug
This isn’t a hello hug. This isn’t a goodbye hug. This is purely a ‘Just Because’ hug.
If Mum lives nearby, visit her in person to deliver this hug. If you see her regularly, surprise her with this hug at a random moment. If she’s far away, either text her or Facebook her a virtual hug.
Share suggestion: I just gave Mum a ‘Just Because’ hug. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #2: Offer To Do Something For Mum You Know She Doesn’t Enjoy
She’s told you she hates vacuuming. Offer to go and do the vacuuming for her. She’s told you she hates driving Dad to the specialist. Offer to take her. She’s told you she hates washing the dog. Wash Patch for her.
Share suggestion: I just did a spontaneous favour for my Mum. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #3: Pay Mum A Compliment
This is such a small thing, but something we often only do after Mum has done something nice for us. This time, pay Mum a compliment when she least expects it (e.g. not after she’s cooked a nice family meal!).
If you compliment her cooking, her new dress or her hairdo, pick a time when your compliment will surprise her. Put thought into what you’re going to say. Flourish your words with love.
Share suggestion: I just gave Mum a random compliment. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #4: Tell Mum In Detail Why You Appreciate Her
Write down 3-4 detailed paragraphs about why you appreciate your Mum then either tell her when you next visit or call her.
If you feel a bit uncomfortable at first, let Mum know that you are participating in a gratitude project and this is one of the activities. It’s OK to read it out.
Here’s something to get you started.
Mum, when we were growing up I thought it was wonderful how you …
Mum, more recently I love it when you …
Mum, I thank you for …
Mum, I really appreciate it when you …
Thanks Mum. I love you.
Share suggestion: I just told Mum why I appreciate her so much. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #5: Spend Time With Mum Looking Through Photos Together
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou
Mum has so many stories she’d love to share with you. Going through old photographs is a wonderful way to get Mums to open up. It’s also a great opportunity to learn more about your Mum, your family history and recall your own youth!
As an extra favour to Mum, you might like to select up to 10 of her favourite photos, scan them into digital format and create a photo collage canvas for her.
Share suggestion: I just looked through old photos with Mum then built a canvas collage. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #6: Donate To Mum’s Favourite Charity
If you don’t know your Mum’s favourite charity, ask her. It will spark a wonderful conversation around the act of giving. As soon as you know, donate to her favourite charity. It doesn’t have to be much. As little as $10 dollars can go a long way.
Once you’ve completed this activity, tell Mum you’ve donated to her favourite charity. Or don’t. It’s totally up to you. Regardless of whether Mum knows about it or not, it will give the world a warm fuzzy. And give you a bounce in your step!
Share suggestion: I just donated to my Mum’s favourite charity [insert charity name if you wish]. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #7: Write Mum A Hand Written Note Of Thanks
Handwrite Mum a note and either post it via Australia Post or pop it in her letterbox.
Struggling to find the right words? Here are two quick suggestions, one sincere and one funny. Be sure to add your own special, personalised thanks too!
I don’t tell you this often enough, but I really love you. You’re such an important person in my life and I appreciate all that you do for me. Thanks for all the sacrifices you’ve made.
You are a woman like no other and you continue to be a powerful influence on me.
Thank you. I love you.
Your Name.
Dear Mum,
Not to get sappy, but now that I’m not 13, I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for me.
Thank you. I love you.
Your Name.
Share suggestion: I just wrote Mum a handwritten note of thanks. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #8: Give Mum A Night Off Cooking
Visit Mum and cook dinner for her or, if you’re not much of a cook, shout her takeaway or take her out to dinner. Either way, give Mum a night off cooking. You know she deserves it. If Mum lives elsewhere, send her a restaurant voucher or arrange a gourmet home delivered meal. Just make sure to tell her first!
Share suggestion: I just gave Mum a night off cooking. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #9: Put A ‘Thanks Mum’ Post-It Note Somewhere In Mum’s House
This is something simple, but oh so effective.
Next time you visit Mum, sneak one or even a few post-it notes into her home and stick them on various items in different rooms. On each of the notes, include a special message of thanks or a reason you love her. Sign it off from you, so she doesn’t get freaked out!
Share suggestion: I just put a thank you post-it note in Mum’s house for her to find later. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz
Activity #10: Take Mum Out For A Treat
Take Mum out for a treat. Think about what she loves to do. If she loves a cuppa, take her out to her favourite coffee shop. If she loves walking, take her on a rainforest, botanic garden or river walk. If she loves the movies, go together with her to see one!
Share suggestion: I just took Mum out for a treat. Info at #thanksmum #mothersday @CanvasFactoryOz