It’s almost universal: no new parent can resist taking photos…

Wildlife Photography Tips
Getting caught up in the day-to-day life of city living is easy to do and beyond the buildings, the world can be a wild, adventurous place so we’ve put together some useful wildlife photography tips.
Although the concrete jungle has its own ecosystem of sorts (see: rats, pigeons), there’s way more species inhabiting the planet; there are creatures in every crevice of the globe.
Wildlife photographers not only capture the magic of the world around us and they encourage us, the day-to-day livers to look beyond ourselves, to step outside of our comfort zones. The world is a wonderful, inspiring place and wildlife photographers remind us of that with their captivating images.
Wildlife Photography Tips
1. Know Your Gear
2. Know Your Subject
3. Shoot Wider
4. Shoot Closer
5. The Importance of Light
6. Use a Fast Shutter Speed
7. Don’t Use Flash
8. Use a Long Lens
9. Make Negative Space Work for You
10. Create a Wildlife Panorama
11. Patience is a Virtue, So Arm Yourself With It
12. Think Outside a Box